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China cargo craft docks with space station module

A Chinese cargo spacecraft carrying equipment and supplies successfully docked with the core module of the country's future space station on Sunday, state media said.

A Long March 7 rocket carrying the Tianzhou-2 cargo craft — loaded with essentials such as food, equipment and fuel — blasted off late Saturday from the Wenchang launch site on the tropical

southern island of Hainan, the Xinhua news agency reported.

The docking with the space station’s Tianhe core module was completed at 5:01 am Beijing time (2101 GMT Saturday), the agency said, citing the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).

China will need to carry out around 10 missions in total to complete assembly of the space station — named Tiangong, meaning “heavenly palace” — in orbit.

The station is expected to become fully operational in 2022. Once completed, it is expected to remain in low Earth orbit for up to 15 years.

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