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My Story

I’ve had a passion for science and research since I was a child, and my intensive studying and hard work finally paid off in 2000 when I graduated and became a qualified Astronomer. I enjoy delving into new fields of research and following the results of my experiments into the uncharted scientific territory. Learn more about my work by checking out my current projects and past publications.

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Research Projects

The Course of My Career

Solar Flare Detection

Building upon work done by a former lab colleague, I have developed a powerful tool for use in the identification and characterization of the processes in my model system. A major advantage of this development is its improved sensitivity, which allows it to detect subtle dynamic property changes in response to my experimental setup.

Fiery Sun

Star Formation

We still have only a very limited understanding of Star Formation. Answering questions about this is essential for understanding the mechanistic role it plays on other scientific processes, and for developing tools to further explore this research avenue with more sensitive measurements and improved data collection.

Star Formation

Nebula Observation

In an effort to gain a better understanding of Nebula Observation, I have recently begun to use a new technique to investigate the organization and functionality of the diverse parts of my experimental model. I am currently looking to expand this work by collaborating with other labs who have the facilities and prior experience to investigate this project further.

Crab Nebula
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Space Supernova

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